Tuany Ramos Pereira 使用 古英語翻譯器 於 2024-12-08 創建
NOT being greatly forward of mine own inclination (right Honourable) but forced by the importunitie of my friends to make some triall of my selfe in this exercise of translation, I have adventured vpon a peece of work, not indeed the most profitablest. as intreating of armes, nor yet altogether fruitlesse, if example may serue, as being historicall, but the while, either to be borne withall for the delight, or not to be refused for the strangenesse: farther I meane not to make boast of my trauaile, for the matiter was offred, not made choice of, as there appeared likewise little libertie in my first yeelding. The earnestnesse of my friends perswaded me that it was conuenient to laie foorth my talent for increase, or to set my candle on a candlesticke, & the consideration of my sufficiencie droue me to thinke it better for my ease, either quite to burle my talent, there by to auoide the breaking of thriftlesse debtes
Not being greatly forward of my own inclination, right Honourable, but compelled by the insistence of my friends to make some trial of myself in this exercise of translation, I have ventured upon a piece of work, not indeed the most profitable, as it treats of arms, nor yet altogether fruitless if example may serve, as being historical; yet, on the other hand, either to be tolerated for the delight or not to be rejected for its strangeness. Furthermore, I mean not to boast of my labors, for the matter was offered and not chosen by me since there appeared likewise little freedom in my initial yielding. The earnestness of my friends persuaded me that it was fitting to lay forth my talent for increase or to set my candle upon a candlestick; and the consideration of my ability drove me to think it better for my ease either entirely to bury my talent thereby avoiding the breaking of useless debts.