The Fate of a Noble Man

Titan submersible は 古英語翻訳器 を使用して 2024-09-23 に作成しました


Ic eom oðþæt man, se þe wunode on þissum burgum. Ic eom an iumbe. Ic eom gehaten æthelberht. Ic haebbe twa cynnes, and ic eom gefera þæs ealdormannes. Ic gesohte þe to understondenne, hwæt þu wyrcest, gif ic þæs ungehyrde gecyde. Ic wolde þine wyrde hafa.


I am a man who dwells in these towns. I am an individual. I am called Aethelberht. I have two kin, and I am the companion of the nobleman. I sought thee to understand what thou art doing, if I might divulge that which is unheard. I would desire thy fate.