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Spirit of Change

Hill Horse created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

Spirit of Change

Consequences of Posting Disturbing Images

Vanilla Churros created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

this will be released if you ever post those horrendous images of me ever again n you know which ones I’m talking about

The Embrace of the Weapon

PROGMAN created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

Kori, I wish to place my weapon upon your breast, and to embrace you through that.

The Burden of Our Problems

thqtmashupgxrl _ created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

I have been suffering over the problems you have made during our time together. You have put all over our taxes on me because you were too lazy to split them with me, which caused me to go mad, how can I do this all by myself?

I Despise You Oh So Very Much

Kewl Sause created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

I despise you, oh so very much. You're annoying, you have no boundaries. In fact, I say you are comparable to a kit on catmint. The person I mentioned is someone we are both familiar with. In fact, as I say this, I am right next to.

An Acquaintance We Both Know

Kewl Sause created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

The person I mentioned is someone we are both familiar with. In fact, as I say this, I am right next to.

Annoyance in the Here and Now

Kewl Sause created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

You're really annoying

Inventory of Goods: William Batt

Neil Parkes created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

The sens Junontorio of all the goodes and thattelles of William Batt of Isoflou in the Bedicin in the Iountio of wittes husband wate reased, tabou the 8th day of July Anno Domini 1639 Suprimis has weuroingo apparroth from three pots ond man late do= 10-Z- & and peere of 0-13-4 porter § 2-12-0 bed - ralo a rouvrlet L

My Life

davaunte fraser created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/28

My Life

The Song of Wisdom

Margaret Sonmez created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

I saw this light · , that the wise Boethius, having sung of the geometry, then came to me heavenly Wisdom, and my mourning spirit greeted with his words, and thus said · . . . Then Wisdom approached, that Boethius thought for my sorrowful heart, and it so newly upraised; dried the eyes of my soul, and it from bright words how I might recognize his foster mot...

Working from the Patio

John Hagerty created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

I'll be working from the patio today

The Threefold Soul

Margaret Sonmez created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

Therefore I say that the soul is threefold, for wise men say that it hath three kinds. One of those kinds is that it is desiring, the other that it is irascible, and the third that it is rational. Two of those kinds have animals as well as men; one of these is desire, the other is anger. But man alone hath reason, not any other creature; therefore he hath ma...

A Tale of Misfortune

I Dunno created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

My name is Agatha. I was only minding my own business, collecting a nice posy from the meadows up by the riverbank. I was just about to make my way home when a couple of fellows came up to me and made a right fuss about it all. "Witch" they called me. Next thing I knew a crowd had gathered, stopping me from leaving, and I've been imprisoned here since.

Feelings of Affection

Kewl Sause created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

I have had feelings for one person. That person has been male. However, that is not to say that I could potentially not have feelings for a female in the future. I am young and have not experienced many things I could experience in the future.

Here I Oblige Myself to Save Mankind

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

Hither to die I do obligate myself From that sin for to save mankind, And sovereignly beseech I thee That they for me may favor find, And from the fiend them defend So that their souls be safe In wealth without end. I care not else to crave. I MILES We, hear ye, sir knights, for Mahound's blood, Of Adam's kind is all his thought. II MILES The warlock w...

The Conversation of the Soldiers

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

I MILES Fair might ye fall in fear That hath wrought on this wise. II MILES Us needs not to learn Such traitors to chastise. III MILES Since such a thing is rightly arrayed, The wiser now may we work. IV MILES The cross on ground is goodly grayed, And bared even as it ought to be. I MILES Looks that the lad be laid long, And made me then unto t...

The Deed of the Traitor

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

He shall not dare us with his din. I MILES He shall be set and learned soon, With care to him and all his kin. II MILES The foulest deed of all Shall he die for his deeds. III MILES That means cross him we shall. IV MILES Behold so right he reads. II MILES Then to this work we must take heed So that our working be not wrong. II MILES None o...

The Knights' Council on the Action at Calvary

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024/09/27

I MILES Gentle knights, heed here in haste: This deed we may not long delay. Yea, you know as well as I How lords and leaders of our law Have given judgment that this doubt shall die. II MILES Sir, all their counsel we know well. Since we have come to Calvary, Let each man help now as he ought. III MILES We are all ready, lo, To fulfil that which is ...