Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Mom can you give me a drink please
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Mom can you give me a drink please
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Mom can you give me a drink please
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Can I get it?
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Can I get it?
Rebecca Iannone ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
In the nun's manner, who bathed the sinner Indeed, on certain days it happened that a nun from that same monastery of the women went into the garden. Then she saw a wicked being. She desired him and took him and forgot that she had blessed him with Christ’s cross, but she treacherously bathed him. Then she was quickly seized by the devil and fell down to the...
mati ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
Menah ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
We will proceed no further in this business: he hath honour’d me of late; and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon. Was the hope drunk wherein you dress’d yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale at what it did so freely? From this time...
もそもそ ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/26
one who gives a name; a namer
Monica F Feldhaus ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/25
who would you bother if I wasn't around, my nemesis? Just like a hero without his villain, you would be lost
Natanael Obiała ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/23
Czy ma pan czas porozmawiać o
Kayla Delaney ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/23
to open stand
Carson Herlihey ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/23
I was born this way
3C31 長谷川 桜 hasegawa sakura ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/22
Then he asked, what was the name of the people from whom they came. They answered him that they were called Angles.
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/22
You making me so angry
Jerrod ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/22
You making me so angry
Emma Beacroft ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/21
you must swear that you will keep this confidential and must not tell anyone about this product. By saying "I agree" you have agreed this contract. Do you agree? you have been warned
Yifei Yu ginamit ang Tagasalin ng Sinaunang Ingles noong 2024/11/21