The Vision of a Noble Woman

Maki Pocki 使用 古英语翻译器 于 2025-02-07 创建


While I was thus mutely pondering within myself, and recording my sorrowful complainings
with my pen, it seemed to me that there appeared above my head a woman of a countenance
exceeding venerable. Her eyes were bright as re, and of a more than human keenness; her
complexion was lively, her vigour showed no trace of enfeeblement; and yet her years were right
full, and she plainly seemed not of our age and time. Her stature was difcult to judge. At one
moment it exceeded not the common height, at another her forehead seemed to strike the sky; and
whenever she raised her head higher, she began to pierce within the very heavens, and to bafe the
eyes of them that looked upon her. Her garments were of an imperishable fabric, wrought with the
nest threads and of the most delicate workmanship; and these, as her own lips afterwards assured
me, she had herself woven with her own hands.


Þonne ic wæs swa muðeleas þæt ic innan me sylfum smeade, and mine sorgefulla complaints mid minum stæf gewritende
hit onhibernate swyðe þuhte me þæt ofer min heafod ænne wif bæmlicum gesihðe appeared. Hire eagan wæron beorht swa re, and of forþan human keenness; hire hyge was lifigend, hire mægen ne sealdon nane traca unstrength;
and þeah hire geāra wæron riht fulle, and hīe gebundene sæwþe hit to our æge and tima. Hire æfen licode gemetige þurhcessne tealde. On anre fætte it ne forlet ða gemengde heahd; on oðrum híer forehead þeohcyninge sweopian up to sky; and hwænne she heafon hæh arædde, she gæðlan ongunnon inlice heofones lyft, and bewiscing scyldena buten blēow of him þe behēold henne. Hire claðas wæron of an immǣnigne fabric, gewroht mid þam fineste faden and of the most delicate weorc mænniscnesse; and these, swa hire agen lip syððan cwæð me, heo sylf geworhte mid hire agenra hand.