Tuany Ramos Pereira stworzył przy użyciu Tłumacza Staroangielskiego w dniu 2024-12-08
or rather to put my candle cleane out, then that it should bewraie euery vnswept corner in my house, but the opinion of my friends iudgement preuailed aboue mine own reason. So vpon hope to please them, I first vndertooke this labour, & I have gone through withall, the rather to acquaint my selfe with mine olde reading: whereto since the dispatch therof, I haue made, my friends priuie, & vpon good liking, with request thereto I haue passed my graunt unto them for the publication, referring for my selfe the order for the dedication, so as I shuld thinke best, either for the defence of my worke or for some perticular merit towards mee. And heerein I tooke no long leasure to finde out a sufficient personage. For the manifold benefites received from your honourable parents, my good Lord and Ladie, quickly eased me of that doubt, and presented your honour vnto my view: whome by good right I ought to loue and honour in especiall,