A Reflection on Joyous Celebration

Ro Ro stworzył przy użyciu Tłumacza Staroangielskiego w dniu 2024-12-02

Tekst oryginalny

So the day went on, with suche festiuall deuise as the people dyd sett vp, from the daw to the drow, from the lecche to the lecche, with one pece of the play and the other, so that the tyme spedde more liek a swalowe in July than snowe in Januarie. And in conclusion, with the giftes and the banquettes and the fayer towre of holly, it shineth in my mind even as the daw of Crystemasse, a verray part of my hart, with the sond of "Nowel" singen in the aire. So pray I that all men may haue such a Crystemasse as this, with hartes full of grace and trewth. Amen.

Wynik tłumaczenia

So the day went on, with such a festive display as the people did set up, from dawn to dusk, from feast to feast, with one piece of the play and another, so that time sped more like a swallow in July than snow in January. And in conclusion, with the gifts and the banquets and the fair tower of holly, it shines in my mind even as the dawn of Christmas, a very part of my heart, with the sound of "Noel" singing in the air. So I pray that all men may have such a Christmas as this, with hearts full of grace and truth. Amen.