The Allegory of Education

amy garcía stworzył przy użyciu Tłumacza Staroangielskiego w dniu 2024-09-18

Tekst oryginalny

N b
ext, I said, compare the effect of education and of the lack of it on our nature to an experience like this: Imagine human beings
living in an underground, cavelike dwelling, with an entrance a long way up, which is both open to the light and as wide as the cave itself. They’ve been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bonds prevent them from turning their heads around. Light is provided by a fire burning far above and behind them. Also behind them, but on higher ground, there is a path stretching between them and the fire. Imagine that along this path a low wall has been built, like the screen in front of puppeteers above which they show their puppets.
I’m imagining it.

Wynik tłumaczenia

N b
ext, I spake, compare the effect of education and of the want thereof on our nature to an experience liken unto this: Imagine human beings
dwelling in an underground, cavelike abode, with an entrance a far distance above, which is both open to the light and as wide as the cave itself. They have been there since their childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to behold only in front of them, for their bonds prevent them from turning their heads around. Light is provided by a fire burning far above and behind them. Also behind them, but upon higher ground, there is a path stretching between them and the fire. Imagine that along this path a low wall hath been built, like the screen before puppeteers beneath which they display their puppets.
I am imagining it.