The Passing of King Scyld

Lauren Ruetsch stworzył przy użyciu Tłumacza Staroangielskiego w dniu 2024-10-17

Tekst oryginalny

Now, the time came that King Scyld must
die, for he had grown old and feble. S0
they carried him to the sed, and there stood
his ship, newly adorned, with sails set as
for a voydge. There in the middle, hard by
the måst, did the comrades of Scyld the
King lày down their dead lord with marny
precious things. Never was d ship ddormed
in more comely fashion, with wariors' gear
and wedpons of war, battle-axes and coats
of mail. With empty hands he had come
into this world, but he departed into the
land of the waters with a king's tredsure.
And the helm they left free, so that the sed
might take him wheres0ever it would.

Wynik tłumaczenia

Now, the time came that King Scyld must
die, for he had grown old and feeble. So
they carried him to the sea, and there stood
his ship, newly adorned, with sails set as
for a voyage. There in the middle, hard by
the mast, did the comrades of Scyld the
King lay down their dead lord with many
precious things. Never was a ship adorned
in more comely fashion, with warriors' gear
and weapons of war, battle-axes and coats
of mail. With empty hands he had come
into this world, but he departed into the
land of the waters with a king's treasure.
And they left the helm free, so that the sea
might take him wheresoever it would.