Divine Providence and Kingship

ian faigen stworzył przy użyciu Tłumacza Staroangielskiego w dniu 2024-09-15

Tekst oryginalny

Because divine providence has ordered in this world
that for the direction and common utility of the human
lineage the world be constituted by Kingdoms and
peoples, with their kings like fathers and shepherds (as
Homer has called them) and therefore the most noble
and generous members of the republics, for that reason
no doubt of the rectitude of the royal spirits of those
kings may be held, or with right reason might be held.

Wynik tłumaczenia

For that divine providence hath ordained in this world
that for the guidance and common benefit of the human
race, the world be established by kingdoms and
peoples, with their kings as fathers and shepherds (as
Homer hath named them), and therefore the most noble
and generous members of the republics; for this cause,
there should be no doubt concerning the righteousness of the royal spirits of those kings, nor could such doubts be rationally entertained.