Beloved Baldor

James Beech menggunakan Penterjemah Bahasa Inggeris Lama pada 2024-09-23 untuk mencipta

Teks Asal

baldor my love, by the time you read this letter i fear that my time has come pray do listen for that i ask that you do not enter this place for once entered this place is seal to all till one reach's the top of the place i hoped that i would see you one last time but i don't think that will be possible

forever yours seisapil

Hasil Terjemahan

bealdor mine lufu, by þe time þu rædest þis letter ic fægen þæt min tid hæfð come, bidde ic þæt þu gehyrst for þæt ic beseo þæt þu ne ongan þeos stow for æfre ongan is þeos stow seald to eallum oþþe one cymen to toppe of þeos stow. Ic hopode þæt ic sceolde geseon þe ænne laste siðe ac ic ne wenie þæt wæren mæge

cealde yours seisapil