Ro Ro menggunakan Penterjemah Bahasa Inggeris Lama pada 2024-12-02 untuk mencipta
In the yeer of our Lord a thousand tweve hundred and threescore, whan the sun doth no more growe hotte and the sonne dooth turne his shyne to the southe, the fest of Crystemasse [Christmas] doth come with joyfull hartes and wille to welcom the new yere. I doo nowe record my owne most joyfull remembrance of the fest on that morow, when the silveren winter mornyd dyd shine so faire, that it did lighten the herte of one that had ben driuen to the depths of dolor.
In the year of our Lord one thousand two hundred and sixty, when the sun no longer grows hot and the sun turns its shine to the south, the feast of Christmas comes with joyful hearts and a will to welcome the new year. I now recall my own most joyful remembrance of that festival on that morning, when the silver winter morn did shine so fair that it lightened the heart of one who had been driven to the depths of sorrow.