You've Lost Your Head

Gregory Sigur menggunakan Penterjemah Bahasa Inggeris Lama pada 2024-10-03 untuk mencipta

Teks Asal

You've lost your head. You can't take my place. What have you done worth acknowledging? Foolish man. There's one thing to remember, child. Nobody pulls the sword but me. Will you renounce God?

Hasil Terjemahan

Þu hæfst forloren þīn heafod. Þu ne mæge niman mīne stowe. Hwæt hast þū geworht þæt is wiðþēawendlic? Dōl man. Is ænig þing to gemunan, cniht. Nān næng pullað se sweord buton mē. Wēst þū onfēng God?