The Covenant Made

Ball Life님이 고대 영어 번역기를 사용하여 2024-09-16에 생성


the promise of old made unto our blessed Jesus, that He should have the
utmost parts of the earth for His possession.2 There was not a greater
uproar among the Ephesians, when the Gospel was first brought among
them,’ than there was among the powers of the air (after whom those Ephe-
sians walked) when first the silver trumpets of the Gospel here made the
joyful sound. The devil thus irritated, immediately tried all sorts of methods
to overturn this poor plantation: and so much of the church, as was fled
into this wilderness, immediately found the serpent cast out of his mouth a
flood for the carrying of it away.

번역 결과

þære forðfærede of ealdum gemæne, þæt him be mægnan God sē swā heofonlic wæs, þæt hē hæbbe ðā
mihtige dǽlas eorðan for his æhte. Þær wæs nán swiðre
ungewisse betweox þām Ephesiscum, þonne þæt Gōdspel fyrst wæs geānlīc broht mid
hem, þonne hit wæs embe þā mægena on lyfte (þurh ðā ðe Ephesians fēngon) when fyrst ðā seolfres trumbas ðes Gōdspelles hiere wrītan heofonlic clǣnsung. Se deofol swā gehyrred, fæstlice forsceaðlian cwæð eall þeoda wegas to gesettanne þisne untruman landscipe: and swelce mænigfeald cȳnnes ēac, þe geneahhe flugon into ðisse westen lande, fæstlīce funden se wyrm āwyrged in his muþe floods forbringendan.