I Despise You Oh So Very Much

Kewl Sause님이 고대 영어 번역기를 사용하여 2024-09-28에 생성


I despise you, oh so very much. You're annoying, you have no boundaries. In fact, I say you are comparable to a kit on catmint. The person I mentioned is someone we are both familiar with. In fact, as I say this, I am right next to.

번역 결과

Ic despise þe, ô so swiðe micel. Þu art earfoðe, þu hæfst nænne gemæne. In fæst, ic secge þæt þu bist gelic to an cattet on catmint. Se mann þe ic mænde is sum þe we bēoþ bá wīta mid. In fæst, swa ic secge þis, ic eam riht nixt to.