Hail! I Am Princess Ann P. Mahasol

Princess Ann P. Mahasol created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-30

Original Text

Eala! Ic eom Princess Ann P. Mahasol, ac þū miht mē Cessy or Princess Ann nemnan. Ic eom ān ond twentig geara and eom nu læringcild se þe on bōclāre stige. Lārēow gewītnessum habbaþ symle on minum heortan, forþan þe ic gelyfe þæt sēo lār hæfþ mycelne strengþ ond ondweardnesse on līfe ānes discipules. Ic gemete bliss on þām, þe ic ōþre wege and him helpan gē, gē on lār gē on ōþrum dǣlum lifes. Būton minum bōclicum līfe, ic eom ēac "fur parent." Mīne þreo cattes, Fuku, Aimi, ond Kio, sindon nemned æfter Iapāniscre wordum þe me þearf syndon. Hīe synd ūre bearn, gemæned mid mīnum leofe, and hīe bringað swīþe mycelne bliss and frōfor ūrum dæglicum līfe, swīþost þonne ðing beoð swencfull mid bōcum and weorcum.

Translation Result

Hail! I am Princess Ann P. Mahasol, but thou mayst call me Cessy or Princess Ann. I am one and twenty years old and am now a learner who is on the path of scholarly endeavor. Teachers’ testimonies dwell ever in my heart, for I believe that learning hath great strength and relevance in the life of a disciple. I find joy therein, as I seek to assist others, whether in learning or in other aspects of life. Besides my academic life, I am also a "fur parent." My three cats, Fuku, Aimi, and Kio, are named after Japanese words which they be deserving of. They are our children, shared with my beloved ones, and they bring much joy and comfort to our daily lives, especially when things are burdensome with books and labors.