Your Princess

Princess Ann P. Mahasol created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-30

Original Text

Hā! Ic eom þīn Princess Ann P. Mahasol, ac þú mægst mē Cessy clipian oððe just Princess Ann. Ic eom 21 wintra eald and nu þēne weg in æðelingdom æt myclum leornere. Lēornian hæfð simle bēon myne lufan, forþon ic gelyfe on þǣm mægen of leornunge and þǣm fēore þe god ætgaweorðung hæfð on þæs leornan lífe. Ic finde blisse in wegian ōðrum and him helpan gewēoxe, bǣðe on leornunge and sylfne. Bēond myne leornian líf, ic eom eac æt wyrtruman fæder. Mine þrēo cattas Fuku, Aimi, and Kio beþēah hāten æfter þǣm jāniskum wordum þe hæfdon spesiel mǣn.

Translation Result

Ah! I am your Princess Ann P. Mahasol, but you may call me Cessy or just Princess Ann. I am 21 years old and now on the path in the kingdom at a great learner. Learning has always been my love, for I believe in the power of learning and the joy that good education brings to one's life. I find happiness in guiding others and helping them grow, both in learning and themselves. Beyond my learning life, I am also at root a mother. My three cats Fuku, Aimi, and Kio are named after special Japanese words.