The Burden of Our Problems

thqtmashupgxrl _ created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-28

Original Text

I have been suffering over the problems you have made during our time together. You have put all over our taxes on me because you were too lazy to split them with me, which caused me to go mad, how can I do this all by myself?

Translation Result

Ich hæfde æfter fæderian þurh þa problemas þe þu gefremedest during ūre tīde gemæne. Þu hæfst eallum ure taxan on mē áfēngen forþon þe þu wǽre tō læt to gespliċċenne hīe mid mē, þe hit me forlǽt to gā mad, hu mæg ic ðis ealle mid míne sylfe dōn?