The Song of Wisdom

Margaret Sonmez created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

.a ic pa pis leo
, cw
Boetius, geomriende asungen hæfde, pa com
pær gan in to me heofencund Wisdom, and pæt min murnende mod
mid his wordum gegrette, and pus cw
. . . Îa eode se Wisdom near,
Boetius, minum hreowsiendum gepohte, and hit swa niowul pa
hwæthwega up arærde; adrigde pa mines modes eagan, and hit fran
blipum wordum hw
er it oncneowe his fostermodor. Mid pam pe
pæt Mod wi
his bewende, pa gecneow hit swi
e sweotele his agne

Translation Result

I saw this light
, that
the wise Boethius, having sung of the geometry, then came
to me heavenly Wisdom, and my mourning spirit greeted
with his words, and thus said
. . . Then Wisdom approached,
Boethius thought for my sorrowful heart, and it so newly upraised; dried the eyes of my soul, and it from
bright words how
I might recognize his foster mother. With that which
was about to be,
the Mind knew it clearly as his own mother.