A Tale of Misfortune

I Dunno created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

My name is Agatha.
I was only minding my own business, collecting a nice posy from the meadows up by the riverbank. I was just about to make my way home when a couple of fellows came up to me and made a right fuss about it all. "Witch" they called me. Next thing I knew a crowd had gathered, stopping me from leaving, and I've been imprisoned here since.

Translation Result

Min nama is Agatha.
Ic wæs onlīce myne agen bisnysse, cēoligende swā ān fæger fōt from þām mædwe up beforan þǽm rīfan streām. Ic wæs just ymbhwyrftende to mīn heom when ān couple of men comon tō mē and made micel fūs about hit eall. "Wicce" hīe me genemdon. Næxt þing ic knew, a crowd hæfde ægðer geðungen, stōpende mē fram forlǣtan, and ic hæbbe beon forwriten hēr sīðan.