Here I Oblige Myself to Save Mankind

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

Here to dede I obblisshe me
Fro that synne for to save mankynde,
And soveraynely beseke I thee
That thai for me may favoure fynde,
And fro the fende thame fende
So that ther saules be saffe
In welthe withouten ende.
I kepe nought ellis to crave.

I MILES We, herke sir knyghtis, for Mahoundis bloode,
Of Adam kynde is all his thoght.

II MILES The warlowe waxis werre than woode;
This doulfull dede ne dredith he noght.

III MILES Thou schulde have mynde, with mayne and moode,
Of wikkid werkis that thou haste wrought.

IV MILES I hope that he hadde bene as goode
Have sesed of sawes that he uppe sought.

I MILES Thoo sawes schall rewe hym sore
For all his saunteryng sone.

II MILES Ille spede thame that hym spare
Tille he to dede be done.

III MILES Have done belyve, boy, and make thee boune,
And bende thi bakke unto this tree.

Translation Result

Hither to die I do obligate myself
From that sin for to save mankind,
And sovereignly beseech I thee
That they for me may favor find,
And from the fiend them defend
So that their souls be safe
In wealth without end.
I care not else to crave.

I MILES We, hear ye, sir knights, for Mahound's blood,
Of Adam's kind is all his thought.

II MILES The warlock waxes worse than wood;
This dolorous deed doth he not dread.

III MILES Thou shouldst have mind, with might and mood,
Of wicked works that thou hast wrought.

IV MILES I hope that he had been as good
Had seized of sayings that he sought up.

I MILES Those sayings shall rue him sore
For all his wandering soon.

II MILES Ill speed them that spare him
Till he to death be done.

III MILES Have done quickly, boy, and make thee ready,
And bend thy back unto this tree.