The Conversation of the Soldiers

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

I MILES Faire myght ye falle in feere
That has wrought on this wise.

II MILES Us nedis nought for to lere
Suche faitoures to chastise.

III MILES Sen ilke a thyng es right arrayed,
The wiselier nowe wirke may we.

IV MILES The crosse on grounde is goodely graied,
And boorede even as it awith to be.

I MILES Lokis that the ladde on lenghe be layde,
And made me thane unto this tree.

II MILES For alle his fare he schalle be flaied,
That one assaie sone schalle ye see.

III MILES Come forthe, thou cursed knave,
Thy comforte sone schall kele.

IV MILES Thyne hyre here schall thou have.

I MILES Walkes oon, now wirke we wele.

JESUS Almyghty God, my Fadir free,
Late this materes be made in mynde:
Thou badde that I schulde buxsome be,
For Adam plyght for to be pyned.

Translation Result

I MILES Fair might ye fall in fear
That hath wrought on this wise.

II MILES Us needs not to learn
Such traitors to chastise.

III MILES Since such a thing is rightly arrayed,
The wiser now may we work.

IV MILES The cross on ground is goodly grayed,
And bared even as it ought to be.

I MILES Looks that the lad be laid long,
And made me then unto this tree.

II MILES For all his fare he shall be flayed,
That one assay soon shall ye see.

III MILES Come forth, thou cursed knave,
Your comfort soon shall cease.

IV MILES Thy hair here shalt thou have.

I MILES Walks one, now let us work well.

JESUS Almighty God, my Father free,
Let these matters be made in mind:
You bade that I should be obedient,
For Adam pledged for to be pained.