The Deed of the Traitor

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

He schall nought dere us with his dynne.

I MILES He schall be sette and lerned sone,
With care to hym and all his kynne.

II MILES The foulest dede of all
Shalle he dye for his dedis.

III MILES That menes crosse hym we schall.

IV MILES Behalde so right he redis.

II MILES Thanne to this werke us muste take heede
So that oure wirkyng be noght wronge.

II MILES None othir noote to neven is nede,
But latte us haste hym for to hange.

III MILES And I have gone for gere goode speede,
Bothe hammeres and nayles large and lange.

IV MILES Thanne may we boldely do this dede.
Commes on, late kille this traitoure strange.

Translation Result

He shall not dare us with his din.

I MILES He shall be set and learned soon,
With care to him and all his kin.

II MILES The foulest deed of all
Shall he die for his deeds.

III MILES That means cross him we shall.

IV MILES Behold so right he reads.

II MILES Then to this work we must take heed
So that our working be not wrong.

II MILES None other note to mention is needed,
But let us haste him for to hang.

III MILES And I have gone for gear good speed,
Both hammers and nails large and long.

IV MILES Then may we boldly do this deed.
Come on, let’s kill this traitor strange.