The Knights' Council on the Action at Calvary

Yining Huang created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

I MILES Sir knyghtis, take heede hydir in hye:
This dede on dergh we may noght drawe.
Yee wootte youreselffe als wele as I
Howe lordis and leders of owre lawe
Has geven dome that this doote schall dye.

II MILES Sir, alle thare counsaile wele we knawe.
Sen we are comen to Calvarie
Latte ilke man helpe nowe as hym awe.

III MILES We are alle redy, loo,
That forward to fullfille.

IV MILES Late here howe we schall doo,
And go we tyte thertille.

I MILES It may noght helpe her for to hone,
If we schall any worshippe wynne.

II MILES He muste be dede nedelyngis by none.

III MILES Thanne is goode tyme that we begynne.

IV MILES Late dynge hym doune, than is he done;

Translation Result

I MILES Gentle knights, heed here in haste:
This deed we may not long delay.
Yea, you know as well as I
How lords and leaders of our law
Have given judgment that this doubt shall die.

II MILES Sir, all their counsel we know well.
Since we have come to Calvary,
Let each man help now as he ought.

III MILES We are all ready, lo,
To fulfil that which is forward.

IV MILES Let us hear how we shall do,
And let us go straight thither.

I MILES It may not help here for to hesitate,
If we shall win any glory.

II MILES He must be dead without fail by noon.

III MILES Then it is a good time that we begin.

IV MILES Let us strike him down; then he is finished;