The Joyful Arrival at Cape Cod

Truji created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-27

Original Text

But to omit other things (that I may be brief ) after long beating at sea they1 fell
with that land which is called Cape Cod; the which being made and certainly
known to be it, they were not a little joyful. . . .
Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon
their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast
and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof,
again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element. . . .

Translation Result

Ac to forleten oþre þing (þæt ic mæge beon bræf) æfter lange þrædinge æt sæ, hie fællen
wið þæt land þe is genemned Cape Cod; se þe bið geworht and soðlice
cunnade to beon hit, hi ne wæron þa lytla glæd. . . .
Þus arisende on godan herebeorgum, and brohte hælða to lande, hie fællen on
heora knees and blissaþ þone God of Heofonan þe hæfde broht hem ofer þa miclan
and fæge sǣ, and delorde hem fram eallum ðære forworpenesse and gesælignessa,
ænig georne heora fæte on Þas fæste and stiðe eorðan, heora cynewīse. . . .