The Beginning of Royal Endeavors Amongst the English Nation

フワサトコ created using Old English Translator at 2024-09-12

Original Text

&; septuagesima vsque xv: dies post pascha minim exerceantur: dictae synodi canones literis mandauit wlstanvs pontifex eboracensis, qui sub ethelredo, cum aelphego cantuariense antistite, praefuit: etiamnm integri leguntur in codice ms: perquam vetusto &; eleganti ejusce aeui charactere, exarato: [.] [.] notarum &; spicilegij finis: [.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.] prohemivm regvlaris concordiae anglicae nationis monachorvm sanctimonialvmqve orditvr: [.] # seuldor fulla itudlice: cristes gefultumigendre gyfe: engliscra &; ora eoda iinnan embhirft brittisces iglandes unigendra cing aeclboren: fram ongimendre his cyldhades ylde eahe: sasa seo geuna yld: myslicum bruce eaum: &; sa ea gesye midgodcundre aethrinen: abbude sumon geornfullum mynegiendum &; cynelicne sihtes geleafan eg gesuteligendum: ongann maerlicc god ondraedan: lufian &; urian; scinendum litlun vel aetega geleafan spearcan: ydelnysse mid slaee adiligud acune: mid hilcum haligra orca gearnungum on hatne fullfremednysse ylm beon on a

Translation Result

Septuagesima until the fifteenth day: Days after Easter may be exempted from work: The canons of the aforementioned synod were set down in writing by Wlstan, Archbishop of York, who served under Æthelred, with Ælphege, the Archbishop of Canterbury: They are also found intact in a very ancient and elegant manuscript written in the character of that age. Endnotes and specifics conclude: Henceforth begins the preface to the regular concord of the English nation of monks and nuns: A complete record shall hereafter exist; Christ’s most gracious gift to the English people and souls residing within this British island shall stand firm from its inception onward; thus will time yield diverse fruits; and these significant gifts granted shall be abundantly given to those earnest followers aiming for divine and royal faith: Commencing henceforth a remarkable Godliness shall emerge: Loving and nourishing; shining brightly as if illuminated through steadfast belief or pure intonation: Let not idleness dwell within but strive towards holy endeavors born out of fervent practice in all fullness.