Titan submersible ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
I am a man who dwells in these towns. I am an individual. I am called Aethelberht. I have two kin, and I am the companion of the nobleman. I sought thee to understand what thou art doing, if I might divulge that which is unheard. I would desire thy fate.
Caroline Hughes ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
My old English is little.
Caroline Hughes ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
The stone I have dug.
Caroline Hughes ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
The stone I have dug
Pencil Neck ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
Oh, you think my Latin is bad, Clara? How about I just speak in this language?
Lashae Neibaur ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
Hello Lady Thalia, and Miss Annabeth... I... Do you still miss Luke... Even though he betrayed both of you...?
Kylynn Wolhers ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
would i or not tell him none of it desire him not to flatter with his lord nor hold him up with hopes i am not for him if that the youth will come this way tomorrow ill give him reasons for't hie thee
Kylynn Wolhers ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
would i or not tell him none of it desire him not to flatter with his lord nor hold him up with hopes i am not for him if that the youth will come this way tomorrow ill give him reasons for't hie thee
Kylynn Wolhers ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
To court thy lady. Yet a bitter struggle, whosoever I court, myself would be her husband.
Adeyle Schneider ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
therefore when you see infirmities in us, you should reflect upon your own, and that would make you bear the more with us, and not be severe censurers of the failings of your magistrates.
Adeyle Schneider ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
therefore when you see infirmities in us, you should reflect upon your own, and that would make you bear the more with us, and not be severe censurers of the failings of your magistrates.
Sparrow 6ix ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
War is War, Until We Win The War
James Beech ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/23 पर बनाया
baldor my love, by the time you read this letter i fear that my time has come pray do listen for that i ask that you do not enter this place for once entered this place is seal to all till one reach's the top of the place i hoped that i would see you one last time but i don't think that will be possible forever yours seisapil
Mila Wari ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/22 पर बनाया
isn't it just mu hobby
Mary Shearer ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/22 पर बनाया
Pam casere, where he in a cord of slumber, saw the visions of dreams. It seemed to him a beautiful sight in the form of a man, white and bright, more lovely than any that he had before or since seen under the sky. He awoke from sleep, filled with awe. Then came to him swiftly, the radiant messenger of glory, bidding and by name calling - "Constantine, said t...
Mary Shearer ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/22 पर बनाया
Constantine, he is called the king of the English, lord of the seas, who governs warriors, chief of warriors. Do not fear thou who dost hold foreign terrors, fierce battle.
Sophia S ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/22 पर बनाया
Or thou holdest with man, A power, as we all do. A man who had not written all his cards, But a man who is chosen from the tree itself.
Azzy Corley ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024/09/22 पर बनाया
My grammar is great. I dont need to learn how to write i like the way i type better