An Outburst in the Kitchen

Haven Poarch ने पुरानी अंग्रेजी अनुवादक का उपयोग करके 2024-09-17 पर बनाया

मूल पाठ

Get out of the kitchen, will you; out of it, you whip-scoundrel, who are giving me your cavilling talk amid the platters; march out of the house, you ruin of your master. Upon my faith, if I only live, I'll be soundly revenged upon you in the country. Get out, I say, you steam of the kitchen. Why are you skulking thus?

अनुवाद परिणाम

Geh out of þǣre cycene, wilt þu; ut of hit, þu wīp-scoundrel, þe besettst mē mid þīnne cūðe spōc on middan þā platters; march out of þǣre hūs, þu mōd-reaf of þīn æþele. On mīne fæhðe, gif ic ānlyf læfe, ic wille beon swīþe gewroken ofer ðe in ðæm ēa. Geh out, ic secge, þe steam of ðǣre cycene. Hwæt forþi eart þu skulking swilce?