On My Effort to Please: An Undertaking of Labor

Tuany Ramos Pereira hat mit dem Altenglisch Übersetzer am 2024-12-08 erstellt


So vpon hope to please them, I first vndertooke this labour, & I have gone through withall, the rather to acquaint my selfe with mine olde reading: whereto since the dispatch therof, I haue made, my friends priuie, & vpon good liking, with request thereto I haue passed my graunt unto them for the publication, referring for my selfe the order for the dedication, so as I shuld thinke best, either for the defence of my worke or for some perticular merit towards mee. And heerein I tooke no long leasure to finde out a sufficient personage


So upon hope to please them, I first undertook this labor, and I have gone through with all, the rather to familiarize myself with my old reading; whereupon since its completion, I have made my friends privy, and upon their good liking, with a request for that purpose I have granted them permission for the publication, reserving for myself the decision regarding the dedication, as I should deem best, either for the defense of my work or for some particular merit towards me. And in this matter I took no long time to find out a suitable person.