Request to Delay Resignation

andrew প্রাচীন ইংরেজি অনুবাদক ব্যবহার করে 2024-09-19 এ তৈরি করেছেন

মূল টেক্সট

Your approv’d Love to your King and Country, and your uncommon Perseverance in promoting the Honor and true Interest of the Service, convince us, that the most compelling Reasons only could induce you to quit it.

Yet we with the greatest Respect, presume to beg you to suspend those Thoughts for another Year, and to lead us on to assist in completing the Glorious Work of defeating our Enemies, towards which so considerable Advances have been already made.

অনুবাদ ফলাফল

Þin æþelinga Lufu to þinum Cyninge and Cynne, and þīn ungemetlic Perseverance on fremminge þe Honor and soðfæst Wēlþearf of ðæm Þing, gemett us, þæt se mæsta hæftige Reasones only mihton geniðerian þe to forleosan hit.

Þeah we mid mæstan Wyrsan, forhergan georne to biddan þe þā Þōhta for another Gēar, and to lædan us on to fultumian in gefyllanne ðin Glēawærc of forhyddenne ūre Feondas, toward which swelce mycel Færeld hafaþ wediġéowen.